Helping modern tech teams thrive at enterprise scale.

Meet Hiphops, the DevOps Control Plane that makes it easy to create bespoke internal tools without adding more maintenance burden, spending time on boilerplate or burning out your team.

Automate process.

Integrate existing tools.

Run everything.

In one place.

Up to 100x faster.

Built-in scheduling
Set up CRON jobs in just 1-line of config and let your flows run themselves.
Pre-built integrations
Leverage and combine your everyday tools in unique ways not possible before.
Trigger flow via UIs, Slack or CLI
Enable even your least technical team members to interact with and trigger flows.
Local development
Develop and run flows locally. No more fix, push, wait, repeat.
Declarative syntax
Create flows using simple, declarative syntax that's extensible with custom code.
Flexible hosting
Self-host on your own infrastructure or get deployed in minutes via Hiphops Cloud.

Rapidly transform DevOps at your organisation

The status quo...
❌ High complexity
❌ Manual/ad-hoc
❌ Human errors
❌ Slow velocity
❌ Expensive
With Hiphops...
✅ Golden path
✅ Self-serve
✅ Full automation
✅ Collaborative
✅ Anyone updates infrastructure

All the tools you need to build any automation FAST

Inject AI-anywhere
Generate docs. Review code changes. Leverage AI capabilities at any step of your workflow.
Connect multiple apps
Integrate with your essential apps out of the box. Build powerful workflows fast.
Generate UIs from code
Hiphops generates UIs based on your code. Spend zero effort on layouts or styling.
Run containers
Run custom workloads and scripts along with prebuilt steps. Build only what is unique to you.
Develop locally
Develop and run pipelines locally. No more fix, push, wait, repeat.
Own the code
Hiphops is Open source and can be self-hosted to ensure security, compliance and flexibility.
Centralise your team’s automations.

Hiphops gives you a custom UI out of the box, allowing your whole team to easily interact with the workflows you build.

Coming soon
Feature one
Feature two
Feature three
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Coming Soon: Release & Change Sensors
(Fund)Raising 🙌 Women on International Women’s Day
When done isn’t finished